Tuesday, July 28, 2009

pls don look at my face..just..my hair...my new hairstyle^^

Jie jie..Happy birthday....^^

this is my mum,xoxo!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

I'm 16..Sweet Sixteen..!!

well..i'm one year older now.But nevermind..this year's celebration is better than last year's!! Ta da..thanks for all your present and wishes yea!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wushu Interview

today is a dreadful day...starting I was just easy going with myself and the coach that the interview would be okay.But it was a drag when i walked in and kai zhuang starts asking me questions.The disaster just approached me.She asked me about the relationship among me and my commitees.She declared that the relationship is so bad and said that I didn't go for the practice.It is a very tough question to answer.First of all, I'm not a hero who have thousands of hands which can do all things at the same time.But what she said was quiet true, because I do have some problem with my friends. But if you say members, I don't feel that there's are obstacles in our path of communication.What I could say is, I really hope I can make a better future for this club as I had contributed a lot in it.It sounds selfish but I really want that post.I don't mean to compete with others but I just want to prove that I'm really capable of doing something, showing that I'm a nice person and a successful leader..However, this might only be a dream..This interview had definitely revealed something in me that I had never thought about. But one thing for sure, I can make myself a better man and more mature than last time...Gambateh!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


today's class revolved around MJ's death...a singer who is well-known by the whole world..MJ,an international artist who are certified dead by suicide had his funeral launched at the Forever Land, which hope he will rest in peace forever.The larment for him is broadcasted live for all the man-kind in the world yesterday.The statistic shows that there're about 25 billion people watching his mourning ceremony yesterday night, which means everybody who owned a tv had come in sight with this guy's death..well...I don't really know him as I'm not his fans.But there's one thing for sure, this guy is a success.Who can make everybody remembers you for life?and Who can make his life so meaningful by helping the helpless one???It's not the matter of money but the heart.I don't think many of these rich people will treat the unfortunate one with care, or even care bout them...MJ is the one who makes me realized that nothing is more important than the family.That is why he is always in people's deep heart core wherever he is, even in heaven...Micheal Jackson, a legend in the world of entertainment....May God bless you and hope you will rest in peace...Don't come and find me tonight..twiddling my pen..^^

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm rather confused now..I just can't make up my mind with my club's stuff!!! Pile and pile of projects and trip that I have to dealt with.I hate this guy where I don't feel being respected as a commitee."Manners make up a man", what a simile that just fit my description for him.I don't like being demanded. Maybe is not only me but everyone (specifically), I bet you will agree with me if you met this guy.AGM is coming and I still Don't know if I would be elected as any post in the club.Then, I have meetings to run with another club this Friday.Form 4 life is so compact, yet so dull...wink*-*

Haha..God bless me today..try to imagine that you finished your oral presentation within 2 days time.Who's that fellow so geng.It's me!!! me and Yee Ying shared some information with our classmates today about men and women.This class is so weird.Nobody wants to response when I asked questions.Is it because I'm not that affectionate? Or it's because of my classmates are always so cool??? I hate my english teacher, with no doubt. She taught me malay during form 1 and she is still nice that time..I mean,THAT TIME..How about now? Now she is just like a monster to me.I get sooooo low marks for my english paper.The worst thing is, she pretended that she did not hear me although I'm just beside her.Pooh..She is just kinda short..Haha(just kidding)..Ciaoz...^-^
I have decided to forget about him when he told me we would never make it. My heart sank and I cried for the whole night. Yes...It might be a mistake and we should'nt get together since early. But somehow, I don't know how, I just cant pull him out of my mind...Love is bitter, you just need to get through it and you will understand that he don't suits you...I have lost faith in man....it bites.